My Own Positive Thinking!!

I want to say that most of the positive thinking that happened in my life happened while I was thinking positive. Of course I do not remember. I just believe that it is like that. Everyday that I wake up like uplifted I bring harmony not only to my life but to everyone around me. My friends, my real friends, are always very grateful about me bringing some kind of life to their life. Well, I guess I do. However, I have to say that lately I have been feeling a bit down and I have ignored that I have been doing such a thing. I am very sorry for it, I am especially sorry for myself. I keep forgetting that I am what I get surrounded by. What I listen to. Who I spend time with. So basically I am the reflection of what I let inside my mind. Now that I am learning about habits and growing, I need to add to my habits something that reminds me to think positively.

What are some things that help me to be positive? It is amusing how fast my mind reacted to tell me sugar or social media. Neither of those represent real consistent positivism. I will say I practice positive thinking when I learn about someone that I admire. I get positive thinking when I am learning or teaching. When I am doing an activity that creates some kind of content. Another thing that I will add to my list is practicing gratitude. All these things create a pleasant feeling that expands beyond the present moment, they have consistent presence in my life after the action.  Like eating nice healthy salads, writing one of my articles,  going to the gym or choreographing someone. In my experience a positive brain develops when you engage in actions that bring you contentment for being aligned to your life goals. In order to find this place you need to keep trying to find what is what you really want in life.

Right now I do not possess enough willpower to go against my brain’s desires in some of the things that it craves. For example, I love homemade chocolate cakes. Uhhh yep, there it is. My brain is craving it now. Basically, for me there is no control when the subject is a chocolate cake. Because it is never a little bit of one of the most beautiful tasty things, it is always the whole thing. Yes, I have a fat brain. I am not trying to be negative. For the moment I have a lot of embedded habits that will make me devour that cake in no time. I could choose to be ashamed of it, but I believe it is good that I can understand who I am in a given moment. Today a cake will give me pleasure just for the moment that it lasts. Mmm a whole cake, probably a day or two. In addition, the cake represents a contradiction, because eating a beautiful cake means eating lots of carbs and sugar, therefore it won’t help me to get in shape. One of the challenges was to make my partner rewrite that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Actually, a lot of people think that way. I still think this is true not only for men but for everyone. Good food does not discriminate. Explaining to her got very confusing, because her cakes are amazingly tasty. It will be perfect to have, maybe a piece per week or on a birthday. Not necessarily to have a whole cake talking to me everytime I walk in the kitchen (Yum). For the moment I honestly do not have enough willpower. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to having a piece of cake with coffee in my near future. In other words It is a matter of finding balance between the things that make you happy in any given moment and in the long run. 

I think I could expand this idea to social media. Scrolling for no specific reason or purpose, just scrolling down for a small hit of dopamine (one of the feel good chemicals of our brain). Actually when I talk about social media, the reality is that there is a lot of content that stops me, that causes anxiety and jealousy, feelings that can drag me down and put me away from my creative self. I don’t like to know about everyone or everything, only about things that enhance my life. Consequently if you are not adding any value to my life, I am not following you or you are muted. The thing that enchants me about social media is that I love creating content. Dancing videos for instagram or funny videos on tik tok. I create for the sake of creating, but sometimes I fall down the rabbit whole of checking if other people like my content. To be honest that does not help me to create better content or even to improve the quality of it. There is a big contradiction about it because to be able to improve your social media accounts, which is helpful for your businesses, you should track and take action about what is happening in your accounts. Clearly in any point creating should not stop. All I do is focus on creating content, getting better at it, while learning more about my own creating progress. If at any point I seem to be distracted checking out the apps every 5 minutes, seeking for likes or people comments I will uninstall the app for a couple days. Because for the moment one of the best tools that I have is staying away from distractions. Hence, I can bring myself back to what brings light to my life which is creating. Always keeping growing active on the side. In the quest of what can I do better to engage with people, trying new things. Looking for what is relevant for my audience but most importantly for myself. Balance is always key.

I like to believe that I am on the right track, creating content and doing activities that keep me positive. Meditating first thing in the morning. Followed by a fair amount of exercise. I am organising my life everyday a little bit. There is nothing wrong with having something that appears to be a mistake in your life, like the exercise that you skipped or the fact that some days you feel like everything is wrong. Do not worry it can always be fixed and transformed into something even worse, lol, unless you do something about it. There is hope. I keep finding things that bring me more and more energy because I am looking for them. I just wrote this article listening to beautiful music. Also I keep listening to people and books that remind me to be positive. I dance for a living so I get to move my body to some amazing beats. I have to say that I am also avoiding places that I find to be negative for me.  


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