la familia flyer

Proud and Grateful for La Familia Showcase 2024

Fifteen weeks before La Familia Showcase 2024, we decided it was time to create some teams. We could perform at our “Me Gusta” parties, or we could organise a small showcase in the studio for close family and friends. What a great surprise it was that after launching the teams, instead of a couple of teams, we ended up with five. Shortly after, seven teams were formed. The idea of a small, intimate event was no longer enough for a group of 40 dancers. “Let’s make a big production,” I thought.

As I researched venues and drafted ideas, more than 20 years of experience in this industry awakened a part of me that had been dormant—the producer, the creator, the one with the tools to bring a beautiful event to life. Suddenly, we were preparing for a show for around 200 people, combining a live band and  20 performances. Yes, it might seem like an opportunity I gave to our community, but it’s clear to me that I was the one given the opportunity to create a truly wholesome show for our community and our industry. It was a path filled with fears, surprises, and support—an opportunity for me to lead and to embody the leader I aspire to be at the head of Cortés Dance. This was my chance to stay loyal to our vision, our culture, and our community.

Slowly creating and adapting to situations is nothing new to me. I feel like I’ve been doing that my whole life, especially since graduating from university. Just figuring things out as I go. So, when the opportunity to upgrade the event appeared, I knew almost without doubt that we could scale it. But I wasn’t sure how to communicate this vision or convince nearly 50 people of what was happening to create the event I now envisioned. Surprisingly, the solution lay in a balance between selfishness and selflessness—trusting my ideas, believing in myself, and communicating our intentions as honestly as I could.

We expressed ourselves with honesty and a sense of trust. We did our best to communicate gratitude and excitement for this beautiful project we were building together. I discovered that the most important thing was to communicate. We didn’t always do it perfectly, but we always approached it with respect and kindness. Believing in our project the way we did was incredibly helpful. I knew it was possible,and we had a team willing to find better ways to move forward. Once again, thank you.

I wish I could say I knew exactly what to do, that my team was perfectly informed about every part of the production, and that nothing went wrong at any stage. But that’s not the full truth. From the beginning, there was a sense of trust within—a team that allowed me to explore my ideas. My 20 years of experience helped organise those ideas and create order during the 12+ weeks of work. The experiences of dancing, teaching, and directing a school brought peace in moments of chaos.

Many fundamental decisions turned out great. We dedicated 12 weeks to training the dancers, held small meetings to organise the events, respected our boundaries, and chose amazing people to manage each team. We relied on many practices we’ve learned over the years, some of which are yet to be written down. By approaching the event thoughtfully, we could see, discuss, and implement improvements throughout the production. The journey was as important as the final product. I’m so happy that people trusted our vision and believed in what we were capable of doing. Thank you, Pedro and Tiffany, for trusting yourselves. Somehow, I knew we could make it happen: 13 shows, producing and choreographing around 15 of them. It was possible.

I knew because I trusted my team. Tiffany took charge of outfits, managed some teams, and was always there to bounce ideas off and help make tough decisions. She brought love, spontaneity and charisma to every part of the event. Our core team—both dancing and administrative—trusted us and stepped up, whether by dancing more, making decisions, or simply inspiring with their passion. Gracias. Thank you all so much. This marks a new era for Cortés Dance.

The journey was great, and I’m so proud that I could delegate, trust, and share the load of this beautiful idea. I tried my best to bring excitement to every training session. I didn’t always succeed, but I tried. Most days, you all made it so much easier for me. Thank you so much.

In the final days leading up to the event, I prioritised my sleep. I made sure I rested and focused on finishing the most important details. Some days, I went to bed late, but I rested. I created a team of people I could trust—some from my past and others who surprised me in the best ways.

Despite the capitalist reality of the event, we tried our best to trust our teams, our community, and the entire industry. The results were beautiful. We’re still learning from this event, and I’m so excited for next year. We hope to implement even better ways of doing things, but most of all, I hope I can continue to surround myself with your trust, love, and the kindness of a family. Gracias for La Familia 2024. .

Gracias for reading,

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